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Services Details
Fellowship Time

8:30 a.m.
In the Hospitality Room 


Sunday Morning

Worship Service

at 9:30 AM.

Sunday School

10:30 a.m.



Church address:

101 N. Wall Street, Box 206

Covington, OH  45318


Handicap Accessible

We have handicap parking,

and also an elevator available
inside our Wall Street entrance

for your convenience.






Welcome, and thank you for visiting Covington Church of the Brethren online.  



Our Mission


Through these ministries we vision ourselves as a family of believers of God, united in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and guided by the truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures. 

We respect the dignity and worth of every human being as created in God’s image and forgiven in Christ.

We extend God’s love to people in our congregation, in our community and in our world.

We share Christ’s promise of peace through worship, study, fellowship, and service.

To this mission, we commit our resources and affirm our support.

Weekly News Line

Read about those who need 

our prayers and upcoming events.


Prayer Chain​

The opportunity to receive e-mails and/or OneCall messages for those who need our prayers.







Looking Ahead:
Upcoming Sermon Topics
Looking Ahead 
We have been walking through John 6 together with Jesus showing us all that it means for him to be the Bread of Life. We will conclude our Bread from Heaven series on September 1st. We move toward autumn knowing that we can truly live because the Bread from Heaven lives in and among us! And it is abundant living without end!

September 1 – We will be commissioning our Christian Educators during worship.
                            John 6: 56-71
                            “Bread from Heaven: Truth”


September 8 – A special Grandparents Day worship planned and led by 
                           Esther Fields, Jayne Hobbs, and Dean Nevin.
                           Flutes Etc. will be with us to provide Special Music during worship.








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